Junction Plzeň, 2. construction – Reconstruction of a personal railway station including the Mikulášská bridges
Investor: Plzeňské městské dopravní podniky a.s.
Customer: Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace, Stavební zpráva západ
Technical Data, Description:
In connection with the reconstruction of the personal railway station and bridges in Mikulášská Street, it was necessary to transfer tram and trolleybus transportation in several stages. The construction of the bridges included the construction of insulating ceilings including construction documentation. During the transfer of the tram line, mobile and handle masts were used.
A new detour trolleybus route was built by Lobeska – Koterovská – Železniční.
The total length of the new 100 mm2 contact wire was 5350 m.
Total Investment cost: CZK 27 743 137,- (excl. VAT)
Realized in: 2016