Tram line in Podbaba (Prague 6)
Investor: Dopravní podnik hl.m. Prahy a.s.
Customer: EDIKT a.s.
Technical Data, Description:
Within the frame of the preparation of a new traffic junction in Prague – Podbaba an extension of a tram line and construction of a new tram loop were realized. The tram line has been designed partially with open superstructure with grass surface. Contact line OCS is simple with auxiliary wire (delta suspension), tensioned by weight situated in HEB masts. Contact wire Cu 120 mm2 (total length cca 1900 m) is suspended mainly on fiberglass cantilevers. The masts are octagonal, max. span between the masts is 42 m. The loop was built with the smallest possible radius of 20 m, it means the masts had to be build exactly acc. to the specification, in some cases with the tolerance of 3 cm.
Total Investment cost: CZK 5 520 000,- (excl. VAT)
Realized in: 4/2011 – 8/2011